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Imo State University(IMSU) job vacancies recruitment for Lecturers, July 2013

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following vacant positions in the various Faculties and Departments as listed hereunder at Imo State University:

Faculty of Education
Department of Physical Science Education
Positions: Professors
Salary: CONUAS 7 (N2, 485, 099.00 -N3,209, 140.00)
Qualifications and Experience

  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum often (10) years post qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential.

Positions: Associate Professors
Salary: CONUAS 6 (N2, 053, 124.00 -N2,684, 096.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of eight (8) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential. 
Positions: Senior Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 5 (N1, 653, 415.00 -N2,348, 299.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of six (6) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or comparable institution. Industrial experience as well as scholarly publications will be required.
Positions: Lecturers I
Salary: CONUAS 4 (N1, 122, 751.00 –N1,444, 535.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field, plus minimum of 3 years post Qualification experience in a University comparable institution.

Positions: Lecturer II
Salary: CONUAS 3 (N 897, 501.00 –N1,074, 314.00)
Qualifications and Experience
Candidates should possess:
  • A minimum of Masters Degree in the relevant field with two   (2) years experience or Ph.D in the relevant field with Masters Degree.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates with Masters Degree must qualify for a Ph.D programme.

Positions: Assistant Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 2 (N 794, 260.00 -N957, 402.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a good Masters Degree in the relevant field, plus evidence of discharge from N.Y.S.C.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates must qualify for a Ph.D Programme.
Areas of Specializations:
a.       Chemistry
b.       Geography
c.       Agricultural Science
d.       Biology
e.       Health Science

Department of Education Arts:
Positions: Professors
Salary: CONUAS 7 (N2, 485, 099.00 -N3,209, 140.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum often (10) years post qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential.

Positions: Associate Professors
Salary: CONUAS 6 (N2, 053, 124.00 -N2,684, 096.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of eight (8) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential.

Positions: Senior Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 5 (N1, 653, 415.00 -N2,348, 299.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of six (6) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or comparable institution. Industrial experience as well as scholarly publications will be required.

Positions: Lecturers I
Salary: CONUAS 4 (N1, 122, 751.00 –N1,444, 535.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field, plus minimum of 3 years post Qualification experience in a University comparable institution.

Positions: Lecturer II
Salary: CONUAS 3 (N 897, 501.00 –N1,074, 314.00)
Qualifications and Experience
Candidates should possess:
  • A minimum of Masters Degree in the relevant field with two   (2) years experience or Ph.D in the relevant field with Masters Degree.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates with Masters Degree must qualify for a Ph.D programme.

Positions: Assistant Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 2 (N 794, 260.00 -N957, 402.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a good Masters Degree in the relevant field, plus evidence of discharge from N.Y.S.C.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates must qualify for a Ph.D Programme.
Areas of Specializations:
a.      History/Government
b.      Religion
c.      Fine and Applied Arts

Department of Language Education:
Positions: Professors
Salary: CONUAS 7 (N2, 485, 099.00 -N3, 209, 140.00) 
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum often (10) years post qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential.
Positions: Associate Professors
Salary: CONUAS 6 (N2, 053, 124.00 -N2, 684, 096.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of eight (8) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential.
Positions: Senior Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 5 (N1, 653, 415.00 -N2,348, 299.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of six (6) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or comparable institution. Industrial experience as well as scholarly publications will be required.
Positions: Lecturers I
Salary: CONUAS 4 (N1, 122, 751.00 –N1,444, 535.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field, plus minimum of 3 years post Qualification experience in a University comparable institution.

Positions: Lecturer II
Salary: CONUAS 3 (N 897, 501.00 –N1,074, 314.00)
Qualifications and Experience
Candidates should possess:
  • A minimum of Masters Degree in the relevant field with two   (2) years experience or Ph.D in the relevant field with Masters Degree.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates with Masters Degree must qualify for a Ph.D programme.
Positions: Assistant Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 2 (N 794, 260.00 -N957, 402.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a good Masters Degree in the relevant field, plus evidence of discharge from N.Y.S.C.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates must qualify for a Ph.D Programme.
Areas of Specializations:
a.       Englis
b.       French
c.       Igbo

Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Positions: Professors
Salary: CONUAS 7 (N2, 485, 099.00 -N3,209, 140.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum often (10) years post qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential.
Positions: Associate Professors
Salary: CONUAS 6 (N2, 053, 124.00 -N2,684, 096.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of eight (8) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential.
Positions: Senior Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 5 (N1, 653, 415.00 -N2, 348, 299.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of six (6) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or comparable institution. Industrial experience as well as scholarly publications will be required.

Positions: Lecturers I
Salary: CONUAS 4 (N1, 122, 751.00 –N1, 444, 535.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field, plus minimum of 3 years post Qualification experience in a University comparable institution.
Positions: Lecturer II
Salary: CONUAS 3 (N 897, 501.00 –N1,074, 314.00)
Qualifications and Experience
Candidates should possess:
  • A minimum of Masters Degree in the relevant field with two   (2) years experience or Ph.D in the relevant field with Masters Degree.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates with Masters Degree must qualify for a Ph.D programme.
Positions: Assistant Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 2 (N 794, 260.00 -N957, 402.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a good Masters Degree in the relevant field, plus evidence of discharge from N.Y.S.C.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates must qualify for a Ph.D Programme.
Areas of Specializations:
a.       Architecture
b.       Building
c.       Estate Management
d.       Quantity Surveying
e.       Surveying and Geoinformantics
f.       Urban and Regional Planning

Department of Veterinary Medicine
Positions: Professors
Salary: CONUAS 7 (N2, 485, 099.00 -N3, 209, 140.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum often (10) years post qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential.
Positions: Associate Professors
Salary: CONUAS 6 (N2, 053, 124.00 -N2, 684, 096.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of eight (8) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or similar institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research, capacity for academic leadership and a good record of scholarly publications are essential.
Positions: Senior Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 5 (N1, 653, 415.00 -N2, 348, 299.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field plus a minimum of six (6) years post Qualification experience in teaching and research in a University or comparable institution. Industrial experience as well as scholarly publications will be required.
Positions: Lecturers I
Salary: CONUAS 4 (N1, 122, 751.00 –N1, 444, 535.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a Ph.D in the relevant field, plus minimum of 3 years post Qualification experience in a University comparable institution.
Positions: Lecturer II
Salary: CONUAS 3 (N 897, 501.00 –N1,074, 314.00)
Qualifications and Experience
Candidates should possess:
  • A minimum of Masters Degree in the relevant field with two   (2) years experience or Ph.D in the relevant field with Masters Degree.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates with Masters Degree must qualify for a Ph.D programme.
Positions: Assistant Lecturers
Salary: CONUAS 2 (N 794, 260.00 -N957, 402.00)
Qualifications and Experience
  • Candidates should possess a good Masters Degree in the relevant field, plus evidence of discharge from N.Y.S.C.
  • Apart from teaching and research works, candidates must qualify for a Ph.D Programme.
Areas of Specializations:
a.       Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development
b.       Animal Science and Biotechnology
c.       Crop Science and Biotechnology
d.       Soil Science and Environmental Management
e.       Hospitality and Tourism Management

Other conditions which exist in Nigerian Universities also apply.

Method of Application:
Interested candidates should forward ten (10) copies each of their applications, relevant credentials and curriculum vitae to the institution stating the following information:

i.        Name (Surname first)
ii.       Date of Birth (indicating day, month and year)
iii.      Sex
iv.      Marital Status
v.       Nationality
vi.      State of origin
iv.      Permanent Home Address
viii.    Educational and professional Qualifications (including dates and where   obtained from).
ix.      List of publications
x.       Work experience
xi.      Present Employment, Status, Post and Salary (both level and amount)
xxi.    Names and addresses of three (3) referees whom the candidates should    request to submit confidential reports on them.

Applications must be received not later than 19th August 2013.

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