Latest Jobs in Nigeria


MEASURE Phase III Monitoring and Assessment for Results is a 5-year Leader With Associates Cooperative Agreement funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), continuing a 10 year initiative with the Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and sub- recipients John Snow lnc., ICF International, Tulane University, Futures Group International, and Management Sciences for Health. Overall the project's objective is to improve and institutionalize the collection and utilization of data for population, health and nutrition programs by providing technical

assistance to USAID Field Missions and Regional Bureaus; USAID and PEPFAR partners; and national and sub-national host country institutions, administrative bodies and health program managers in monitoring and evaluation and health information system building and strengthening. The principle of sustainability will be incorporated into an aspects of the technical assistance provided through a focus on organizational development, financial management and individual and Institutional behaviour change around information collection, analysis and use. Project activities are currently underway in multiple countries in Africa, Asia and Latin
America. Visit the project website for more information:
The following positions are available in the Nigeria field office of the Project and open to eligible professionals:

LOCATION: Anambra, Lagos and Kano States

The main duties for this position include technical assistance, capacity building and knowledge management to government institutions and other stakeholders
in the State that are involved in Health information Systems/Monitoring and Evaluation of health interventions especially forHIV/AtDS. S(he) will work closely
with other stakeholders in the primary State where s(he} is located and in cluster state to effectively implement the Nigeria National Response Information
Management System (NNRIMS) and integration of HIV/AIDS M&E system into the National Health Management Information System (NHMIS).This includes
specific assistance to the State Agency for the Control of AIDS (SACA), State Ministry of Health (SMOH), State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development
(MWASD), Local Government Areas, implementing partners, donors, NGOs and other stakeholders to build and/or strengthen monitoring and evaluation and
Health Management Information System (HMIS). The occupant of this position in collaboration with the stakeholders at the state levels will support the implementation of national level guidelines, protocols and tools as well as specific MEASURE Evaluation's tools that support system strengthening.

This position will be based in the primary states, Anambra, Kano and Lagos (with about 35 travels within the State to LGAs as well as Service Delivery Points
and to duster/secondary Statels] as specified). This position will be supervised by States' Coordinator who is based in the Abuja Office of MEASURE Evaluation.

Provide technical assistance and support to the Ministry of Health and SACA in the development and implementation of M&E and HIS activities in the primary
and cluster states. For instance, s(he)will provide technical assistance and support the development and implementation of States M&E plan and related M&E
Provide technical assistance to the State in data flow/management data collection, entry, analysts and management of its database. $(he) will also support relevant staff in the State to perform the State's reporting obligations.         '
Assist with coordination of State M&E technical working group as well as other technical meetings focusing on strengthening HIS/M&E systems.
Support and provide technical assistance to the state level M&E personnel In the implementation of supportive supervision,
.to Data quality assurance
.to Promotion of appropriate use of data for decision making
Provide appropriate monitoring and evaluation support to other line ministries in the State such as Education and Women Affairs so as to meet the objectives
of HM1$ and NNRIMS.
Provide technical assistance to State M&E personnel in the production and dissemination of periodic bulletins and annual statistical reports towards
appropriate data use.
Support the coordination of efforts toward computerized data systems for HIVjAIDS reporting using the DHIS instances and other electronic platforms.
Where necessary, develop mechanisms and protocols for data sharing and tnteroperabillty.
Provide technical assistance in the application of best practices and concepts in M&E using global tools such as the RDQA, Child Status lndex, 12-Component
M&E Assessment, etc., where applicable.
Work with in-country and US-based members of the MEASURE Evaluation team in the preparation of MEASURE Evaluation annual workplans, budgets,
quarterly and progress annual reports to the Mission and Headquarters.
Perform other assigned functions relevant to MEASURE Evaluation work in Nigeria based on the emerging needs either from the Mission and government

Advance degree (MPH, MA, M.5c., other) in public health or related fields and not less than 5(*%#year experience in the M&E of HIV/AIDS and Health Programmes.
Good knowledge of M&E of public health programmes and interventions in Nigeria such as HtV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, family/reproductive maternal and child health or infectious disease control programs.            .
Familiarity with the Nigerian Health Management Information System (NHMIS) and its sub-systems such as NNRIMS and their implementation and
operationalizatton at the sub-national levels .
Knowledge of DHIS and the process for its deployment at sub-national levels.
Interest and experience in the development of capacity strengthening, including training programs for M&E and HIS professionals;
Demonstrated experience in facilitation of trainings, meetings and workshop, with requisite presentation skills in Health Information system and Monitoring
and Evaluation.
Demonstrated interpersonal skills required to work effectively and harmoniously among rnultl-disclplinarv teams, consultants, other stakeholders.
Ability to work independently and to manage various projects on a daily basis with minimal supervision;
Excellent writing and communications skills in English
Computer Literacy with experience in word processing, spreadsheet and statistical analysis software.

Interested applicants should send their application and CV to:

Measure Evaluation Positions,
90 Nelson Mandela Street,
Asokoro- Abuja, Nigeria
Not later than 2 weeks from the date of this publication

DUE DATE: 6 June, 2013

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