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How to know when your Boss wants to fire you

While employment comes with a process, Dismissal/Sack/Retrenchment also come with its own process.
Every Employee gets a sign of him going to lose his job but the problem is most people tend to ignore those signs.

Below are some of the signs EVERY employee should take note of, in a bid to start preparing for another job before he is given a sack letter.
* Transfer - More often than not, most transfers made to other Department, Locations, or Regions are always not in the best interest of the employee. While some transfers are made to carry out financial and management investigation of your present portfolio, others are done to make room for someone considered to be more professional and efficient than you to take over your present seat.
* Shift Of Duties - If with no genuine reason(s) your current duties are being withdrawn from you then I believe it is high time to watch out for the red flag as all doesn't seem to be okay.
* Seclusion - whenever your boss starts secluding you from important office discussions and decision making, there's is no other major sign you need to know that there is danger right ahead. A situation where you no longer get office mail alerts of meetings, Conference, Trainings and Bonuses, there is something wary ahead.
* Accumulated workload - when your Boss starts dumping piles of office work on your table and gives you impossible deadline to complete it, then you know your days in that office are numbered.
* Blaming you for other people's flaws - oh no! Don't think there's a miracle that will make your colleagues start accepting responsibility for their crimes and flaws once the Boss put the blame on you.
* Compulsory Leave - Not everyone who is placed on a compulsory leave ends up having their portfolio back, as a matter of fact, most people end up never returning.
* Slash in Salary and Allowances - If for no specific reasons your salary and allowances are being slashed while your fellow colleagues weren't affected, you have a whole lot to be scared about.

From Kemi Filani's Blog.

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